Archive for barack

Obama VP Selection

Posted in Politrixx with tags , , , , , , on August 26, 2008 by griffen312

I dunno. I’m ridin with Dave Chapelle on this one…and not to sound racist or any of that shit, but he should’ve picked a woman OR another person of color to run as VP – for ONE reason: If the president is assassinated, the VP becomes President and he’d have less of a chance gettin killed if the VP was another controversial character (in the eyes of they that do). Now its a no-brainer, and he’ll have to look over his shoulder and keep the VP happy because, please believe, Biden didn’t grow up sayin’, “I want to be Vice President when I grow up!”


This is all, assuming, the Clinton’s don’t pull a last-minute card – Votes still have to be cast.


This whole thing is like Knott’s Landing, man. Fa real.


Posted in Politrixx with tags , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2008 by griffen312

The two topics you stay away from in America are politics and religion. We all have some pretty skewed views on both of these issues but they are probably the most personal and emotional topics for Americans next to race. So, it is probably not wise for me to put my opinions up… But Im young. Doin what’s wise is for old men.       First of all please recognize that Democrats and Republicans are rival gangs, but they work for the same people. Like defense attorneys and prosecutors. They all went to the same bullshit schools, were in the same clubs, went to the same parties. Its a friendly game to them, but for the people they represent – the stakes are much higher.   I’m gonna, just for a spell, talk about this fake ass presidential race. Its a hot topic now, so Ima dive right in…       I dont like politicians. This INCLUDES Barack Obama. Honestly, I think dude is on something good, but he is a politician all the same. Does he have enough experience to run the white house? I dunno. Maybe we need someone who hasnt been too jaded by politics to step into 1600 Pennsylvania and shake things up a bit…maybe not. I do know this: America’s problems with Middle Easterners will double if we put Hillary in the white house. A woman can and will be president of the united states one day and I dont have a problem with that…but our enemies hate America, first of all…and they treat women like second class citizens. Their dislike for the US will only increase with Hilary at the helm, regardless of who her husband is. Barack is a much better “fit” for what this country is now going through. I am damn certain that the Muslim world would get a real kik out of the president of the united states being named Barack Hussein Obama. I mean…really. They’ll love that.      Politicians are full of shit, though. They have to be. Its the nature of their business. Hillary is no exception. I dont fuck with Hillary because of how she flopped on the FREE Universal health care issues in 1993. She challenged the big insurance companies and pharmecutical companies as the First Lady, but these same companies are now her biggest campaign contributors… and she is no longer on that FREE Universal Healthcare for All Americans shit. She no longer even touches that issue. Money talks…or at least it makes mufukkas shut up. Ultimately, I think Barack will win but he is being set-up. George HW (Daddy) was president for 12 years basically (Reagan had alzheimers while he was in office and the VP was who? Big George. He was runnin shit). Then his son runs it for 8 more years…and you know daddy was really behind it all. So, holdin down the white house off and on for 20 years gave them the rare opportunity of fuckin this country up so bad that it will take MORE than 4 years to even start to fix it. That task falls right in Barack’s lap. Its a setup. A blueprint for failure.        On another note… if we can calculate exactly how many people voted for LeBron James to be on the NBA All-Star team, howcome we cannot count the actual votes for the presidency? We still use the electoral college which is completely antiquated. The electoral colleg made sense when we did not have the ability to actually count each vote as the country is so big….but that was when the post office was the pony express and hot water was a luxury. This is not the case today, yet we STILL do not vote directly for the president. In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the election. That makes no sense at all!!! If you win the popular vote – you are the more popular candidate — you win. Its all a popularity contest anyway….who’s politics is more popular….so, why do u not win if u win the popular vote? Because of the electoral college. Its really fuckin dumb, but nobody talks about it until an election year is upon us, and by then, of course, nobody can come up with a viable solution in time, so it all remains the same. Bullshit dog & pony show…  In 2004, this was an issue – so the fix was on. Almost every county switched to electronic voting machines for the presidential election. And they were rigged…       Man, I could do this all day…but I wont. My opinions. Take that shit with a grain of salt… toss it to the wind.