Archive for Ludacris

Cusswords vs Cursewords vs Profanity vs Vulgarity

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2008 by griffen312

Everyone is quick to say Richard Pryor was a genius (and he was), everyone is quick to praise the latest Martin Scorcese film… all laced with those 7 deadly words…but NO ONE has a problem with it until it’s in MUSIC.


I dont understand this method of thought at all.


I keep hearing, “I don’t tolerate hearing profane lyrics in music…” But I have never once heard, “That movie was pretty good, but all the cussing ruined it for me.


I mean, why is Music under a more sensitive radar than any other form of entertainment? And why do grown people still hide behind this excuse ? HBO is the most popular network on television – and EVERYTHING on that station has a cussword or two… (or 3 or 4 or 640) … but nobody says anything about HBO’s programming …


I mean, there are Cialis and Viagra commercials on TV and Radio all day long — about SEX…and nobody bats an eyelash. Kids are listening…and they say nothing. Its all good because it’s backed by a billion-dollar drug company…


Everybody is more concerned with ‘appearance‘ than actuality. Why are you so scared of words? And why is music put under a microscope that no other form of ENTERTAINMENT is subjected to?

On the radio edit for Snoop’s ‘Gin & Juice’ they let him say that he is rollin down the street drinking, but they edit the line where he says “I got a pocket full of rubbers…” Why edit out ‘rubbers’ in a time where AIDS is killin the world? Its ass backwards.

These words were here before any of us were even born… They only have the power WE give them, like anything else. So, why continue to give something so much power? It’s only offensive because we were programmed to think they are offensive…. I want to deprogram you.

What is the difference between Luther Vandross singin about Making Love and Ludacris rappin about Fucking? Its the same act, but Luther said it nicer? I mean, that shit is ridiculous. The sex is no less nasty and wet because I call it Making Love… It is the same act !!


Grow up – stop limiting yourself.




Fuck. Shit. Bitch. Cunt. Pussy. Dick. Motherfucker. Cocksucker. Asshole.